5 Butt Exercises You Should Be Doing While Watching TV


Instead of sitting on the couch and eating chips, we can all get in a great butt workout while we laugh along with the Big Bang Theory? If anything, we can all strive to have a body like Kaley’s – and I don’t mean the one she had on 8 Simple Rules. If you’re game for a round and lifted butt, try the below 5 ultra effective butt exercises. These booty exercises will  target your glutes, thighs, hips, and waist – and best of all, you can keep you eyes glued to the tv.

How this workout routine works: Perform 3 sets of each exercise before moving on to the next, with 30 seconds of rest following each set. Rest 60 seconds between exercise.

1. Lunges (1o reps, 3 sets)


These will develop your butt and thighs while strengthening your hips.

  • Start with one leg out in front of you, and one behind of you. Make sure you feel stable.

  • Keep your shoulders back, your abs tight, and your weight on your front heel.

  • Drop straight down so that your back knee almost reaches the floor.

  • Return to the starting position. This completes 1 rep.

  • Complete 10 reps, then switch legs and complete another 10 with the other leg.

  • For an added challenge, hold 5 pound dumbbells in each hand.

2. Crossover Kicks (15 reps, 3 sets)


These are a great exercise for your booty but will also work your outer thighs and waist.

  • Lie on your back with your hands at your side, palms down. Raise the legs to a height where your back is still glued to the mat. Spread the feet apart 1 to 2 feet, pointed or flexed.

  • Cross one leg over the other, uncross and then cross the opposite over top. Pick a pace you like and stick with it. Keep the work in your hip flexors and lower core, not your back.

⬇️ A surprise video at the end of the article is waiting for you.Keep reading 🙂

3. Hip Bridges


They look a little strange, but hip bridges are incredibly effective!

  • Lay on your back with your shoulders aligned with your hips, and your ankles close to your glutes.

  • Raise your hips while keeping your heels firmly on the ground, then return to the starting position.

  • This completes 1 rep.

  • Complete 15 reps, then move on to the next exercise.

4. Donkey Kicks (15 reps, 3 sets)


A fantastic exercise for your butt that will also work the front and back of your thighs.

  • Start on all fours, with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips.

  • Keep your right knee at a 90-degree angle as you slowly raise your leg behind you until your thigh is almost parallel to the floor. Pulse your flexed foot toward the ceiling by squeezing your glutes. Your back should remain perfectly still in a neutral spine. The motion should be small and controlled with the muscle doing the work and not momentum.

  • Return to start position to complete one rep.

  • Do 15 reps for each leg.

5. Sumo Squats (12 reps, 3 sets)


Great for your glutes and inner thighs. Make sure to do these last as you’ll want your hips to be warmed up a little first.

  • Start with your feet 6 to 12 inches wider than your shoulders with your feet pointed out at 45 degree angles.

  • Bend at your knees like you’re trying to sit down until your thighs are parallel to the ground.

  • Press back up through your heels while keeping your core tight to return to the starting position. This completes 1 rep.

  • Complete 12 reps.

ALL THE ANSWERS YOU ARE LOOKING FOR IN THIS VIDEO   ⬇️                                                                                                                                                                                              



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