8 Simple Changes To Lose Big Weight For Good

Losing weight doesn’t mean you have exercise for hours a day and eat nothing but boiled chicken and steamed broccoli for every meal.

If you’re keen, there are several more effective (and less painful!) habits you can adopt today that will not only help you lose weight in the short-term, but will help you stay that way for the long run as well.

These eight changes to your habits are easy to implement into your everyday lifestyle, and will help get you healthy and fit for life:

1. Stop making excuses

I know, you’re too busy to go to the gym. It takes too much time to pack a healthy lunch and too hard to find something healthy to eat out. You would work out at home, but you don’t know how.

All of these excuses are valid in their own way, and yes, we’ve all been there. But if you really want to get — and stay — fit and healthy, you have to learn to give up your excuses and start making your health and fitness a top priority today.

2. Walk more.

Even if you go to the gym six days a week, the real key to lifelong fitness is to simply be more active and walk more in your day-to-day life.

Try making a conscious effort to walk whenever and wherever you can. Walk to the grocery store, to get your afternoon coffee or go on a post-dinner stroll with your family.

Try and aim for at least 10,000 steps a day.

3. Don’t always deprive yourself

Striving to always be “perfect” with your nutrition is actually not a good long-term strategy to lose weight. Depriving yourself of dessert and all the foods you love will only result in a binge of those very same foods when your willpower is at a moment of weakness.

Instead, try following the 80/20 strategy: eat healthy around 80% of the time, then let yourself have some treats here and there. Just make sure they’re really good ones!

4. Find activities that get you moving.

Don’t always go to the movies or sit around for long meals. Find activities you and friends or loved ones enjoy doing together.

Go for a bike ride, take a scenic hike, set up a game of bocce ball — the list is endless!

Not only will you get moving, you’re bound to have more fun as well.

5. Shorten your workouts.

If your workout sessions are always more than an hour long, you’ll eventually dread going. Sooner or later you’ll stop going altogether.

But when you pack your entire workout into an efficient, 10-20 minute HIIT workout that works your entire body and leaves you soaked in sweat, you’ll no longer have the same excuse to skip your workout as often as you normally would.

Just remember to work hard!

6. Make sleep a priority

Many of us underestimate the importance of a good night’s rest, but it’s crucial for long-term health that you give your body a proper amount of sleep each night.

And if thinking long-term isn’t enough of an incentive, remember this: too little sleep can also impair weight loss efforts due to raised cortisol levels.

Try and get around seven to eight hours a night on a regular basis.

7. Find ways to actually enjoy your veggies.

I get it, not everyone loves the taste of vegetables. There were definitely times in my life when I ate nothing but mac and cheese for days. With enough time, I now crave veggies like broccoli, brussels sprouts and kale on a daily basis.

Vegetables are packed with important nutrients that keep your body healthy, and their fiber content also helps fill you up.

So if you don’t love a plain salad, find ways to make your veggies interesting: roast them with a little olive oil, salt and pepper, toss them in a flavorful stir fry or blend them into a juice so you don’t even know they’re there. If you don’t despise them, you’re much more likely to eat vegetables on a regular basis.

11. Try this Potent Vegetable That Burns 1 Pound of Fat Every 72 Hours

Since discovering this ONE potent vegetable that she ate twice a day, Cathy has lost 56lbs of stubborn, ugly diabetic fat from her belly, hips, thighs and waist and REVERSED her type 2 diabetes.


This vegetable contains a special and unusual nutrient — a nutrient so powerful it melts away 1 pound of fat every 72 hours…

… and reverses the real ROOT CAUSE of diabetes as proven by latest scientific studies.

It’s important to be careful and only eat it twice a day or you’ll lose diabetic belly fat too fast.

Click here now to see the potent vegetable that helped Cathy melt away 56 pounds.

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