11 Proven Healthy Ways To Lose Weight Without Diet or Exercise


To all the women out there wondering if there are any healthy ways to lose weight. Yes, there are. Losing weight can be complicated at first but once you learn the healthy ways to lose weight, you’ll be well on your way to get it done.

To lose weight fast, all you have think about is burning more calories than you eat.  To help you move along and to really start to lose weight, here are several proven science-backed tips that can help you eat fewer calories with ease and to lose more weight, even as quick as in a week.

These tips are not only effective in helping you reduce your weight, but they also help you prevent weight gain in the future. Without further ado, here are the 12 science-backed ways you CAN lose weight without going on an extreme diet or exercising till you drop.

1. Eat slowly

Your brain requires time to process that you’ve eaten enough. Chewing your food thoroughly makes you eat more slowly, leaving your brain to let you know you’re feeling full without having to eat more.

There was a recent study conducted by the University of Alberta that emphasized this theory. They found that faster eaters are more likely to gain weight than slow eaters. To make matters worst, fast eaters are also much more likely to be obese, as stated in their study.

So get into the habit of eating more slowly. To help you get started, it may help to count how many times you chew each bite – aim for 6 to 10 chews.

2. Use smaller sized plates

A regular sized  food plate is larger today than it was a few decades ago, I dare say even last year.

This trend could contribute to weight gain, since using a smaller plate may help you eat less by making portions look larger.

On the flip side, a bigger plate can make a serving look smaller, causing you to add more food.

So, the trick here is to use this to your advantage. Serve healthy food on bigger plates and less healthy food on smaller plates.

3. Load up on protein

Protein has been proven again and again to have a powerful effect on appetite. It increases the feelings of fullness, reduces hunger and helps you eat fewer calories.

This is because protein affects several hormones that play a role in hunger and fullness, including ghrelin.

If you currently eat a cereal and fruits for breakfast, you may want to consider switching to a protein-rich meal, such as eggs.

A study by the University of Toronto observed overweight or clinically obese women who had eggs for breakfast ate fewer calories at lunch compared to those who ate a grain-based breakfast.

What’s more, those overweight women ended up eating fewer calories for the rest of the day and during the next 36 hours.

4. Get rid of junk food

Even if you have a will of steel, if you see junk food in your cupboards, studies have shown that you will definitely eat it.

What’s more, storing unhealthy foods where you can see them may increase hunger and cravings, causing you to eat more.

And you’ve probably guessed it, this leads to weight gain.

What you want to do is to get rid of all the junk food in your house and keep healthy foods visible on your countertops and place them front and center in your fridge.

5. Eat lost of fiber

Studies have indicated that fiber in beans, oat cereals, brussels sprouts, asparagus, oranges and flax seeds is particularly helpful for weight loss. It helps increase the feeling of fullness and reduces overall food intake throughout the day.

6. Drink water before meals

Drinking water can help you eat less and lose weight, especially if you drink it before a meal.

One study with obese women found that drinking half a liter (17 ounces) of water about 30 minutes before meals reduced hunger and lessened calorie intake by 30%.

Additionally, the women who drank water before a meal lost 44% more weight over a 12-week period compared to those who did not.

7. Serve yourself smaller portions

Just like the plate sizes, portion sizes have increased during the last few decades as well, especially at restaurants.

Larger portions encourage people to eat more and no doubt is a large contributor to weight gain and obesity.

Serving yourself just a little less will help you eat significantly fewer calories. And you probably won’t even notice the difference.

8. Don’t eat in front of the TV

Paying attention to what you eat may help you consume fewer calories. People who eat while they’re watching TV or playing computer games may lose track of how much they have eaten. This, in turn, can cause overeating.

A study showed that absent-mindedness (a.k.a. watching tv) during a meal has an even greater influence on your food intake later in the day. Women who were distracted at a meal ate 25% more calories at later meals than those who were present and focused on their meals.

If you regularly consume meals while watching TV or using electronic devices, you could be inadvertently eating more. These extra calories add up and have a massive impact on your weight in the long term.

9. Get more quality sleep and avoid Stress

When it comes to health, people often neglect sleep and stress. Both, in fact, have powerful effects on your appetite and weight.

A lack of sleep may disrupt the appetite-regulating hormones leptin and ghrelin. Another hormone, cortisol, becomes elevated when you’re stressed.

Having these hormones fluctuate can increase your hunger and cravings for unhealthy food, leading to higher calorie intake.

What’s more, chronic sleep deprivation and stress may increase your risk of several diseases, including type 2 diabetes and obesity.

10. Cut out sugary drinks

Added sugar may very well be the single worst ingredient in a person’s diet today.

Sugary beverages like soda have been associated with an increased in obesity, not to mentioned the increased risk of many other diseases.

It’s very easy to consume excess calories from sugary drinks because liquid calories don’t affect fullness the way solid food does.

Staying away from these beverages entirely can provide enormous long-term health benefits. However, note that you should not replace soda with fruit juice, as it can be just as high in sugar. Eat the fruit instead.

Other healthy beverages to drink if you can’t just drink water are coffee and green tea.

11. Try this strange “carb-pairing” trick

If you’re upset about your weight and want to lose a little more, get this…

Carly Donovan, a 40-year old overweight mother with pre-diabetes has just SHOCKED the medical
community by losing an unheard of 22 pounds in just 13 days.

She went on to burn off 84 pounds in the next 3 months without starving herself or exercising.

Best of all, she eliminated all signs of diabetes and other life-ending diseases that was constantly threatening her.

The amazing thing is, all she did was this D.I.Y. “carb-pairing” trick that reconditions your 3 female
weight-loss hormones to drastically accelerate fat-burning while still eating the foods you love.

If you’re a woman over the age of 25 who wants to reclaim her life inside the body she DESERVES, you should check it out for yourself.



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